Breeze Design Studio grows to 33 people with affordable products

Lots of people had lots of advice for Rukmal Fernando when he started Breeze Design Studio in January of 2007.

"Everybody pretty much told me get out of Detroit," Fernando says. "They said I should be in LA, Miami, Chicago or some other market."

Luckily for Metro Detroit Fernando didn't pay any heed to those warnings. He actually was quite active with the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce, and paid more attention to what the people there were saying.

"They said don't look at it like an obstacle but an opportunity," Fernando says.

That philosophy is why the start-up has grown to 33 people around the world. About half a dozen of those employees call Breeze Design Studio's offices in Birmingham's Rail District home.

The firm specializes in making good design affordable. Fernando allows young, struggling businesses to take advantage of his firm's services cheaply today to help the firm keep its overhead down. The idea is Breeze Design Studio will get a cut of future profits.

"We think that struggling young businesses will grow if we make good design affordable," Fernando says.

It has worked so far. The company plans to keep up with that philosophy for the foreseeable future and it expects to keep growing at its current pace.

Source: Rukmal Fernando, founder and president of Breeze Design Studio
Writer: Jon Zemke
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