Birmingham pushes forward on Kenning Park project

Birmingham is about to take the next step in upgrading Kenning Park. City officials are interviewing the top five candidates who want to develop a master plan for the park on the city's southeast side.

The city is looking at upgrading and adding some baseball fields on the 21.7-acre park south of Lincoln Street and east of Eaton Street. The first step is to develop a new master plan for the park. The city received 18 proposals for the master plan that ranged in cost from $15,000 to $170,000. The average price was a little more than $40,000.

City officials whittled that list down to five. All five proposals either meet or are less than the average price. City officials expect to make a decision within the next few weeks and conduct a community charrette this spring so they can develop a plan next year. Work would begin in the spring of 2011, at the earliest.

Birmingham Brother Rice High School recently approached the city about building a baseball field for its teams on the park. It already houses facilities for soccer, tennis, a police shooting range, and a skatepark.

"That's what spurred all of this," says Jana Ecker, planning director for the city of Birmingham.

Source: Jana Ecker, planning director for the city of Birmingham
Writer: Jon Zemke
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