Grand Building rises in Farmington's downtown

Grand River Avenue in downtown Farmington is getting a brand new building this fall now that construction is in full swing on the Grand Building.

Grand Dry Cleaners is building a 6,300-square-foot structure that will serve as its home on the first floor. The second floor will house three loft-like apartments. There will also be one indoor parking space for one of the apartments.

"They have the ability for a loft look with the high ceilings," says Vincent Cataldo, president of St. Clair Shores-based Infuz Limited Architects, the designer of the building.

The brick-clad building is set to serve as a principal piece of the eastern entrance to downtown Farmington. Its two tall stories, balconies, corner entrance, and tower-like features promise to make it one of downtown's marquee buildings.

"The intent is to bring some energy to that entrance of downtown," Cataldo says.

Construction is expected to wrap up by the end of the year.

Source: Vincent Cataldo, president of Infuz Limited Architects
Writer: Jon Zemke
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