Butcher's Daughter gallery increases Ferndale's artsy rep

The 650-square-foot space for Monica Bowman's new gallery is no stranger to art. Its location above Woodward Percussion has served as studio space for artists for years and is now home to The Butcher's Daughter gallery.

"Ferndale has an established gallery syndicate," Bowman says. "It's a great, open-minded, diverse community that loves art. I want to capitalize on what it already has going for it."

Bowman named the art gallery after herself. She is the sister, daughter, and granddaughter of butchers. The Butcher's Daughter moniker just makes sense for those who know Bowman, not to mention it sounds cool.

The gallery will focus on contemporary art from emerging artists in the Detroit and Washington D.C. area. The work of Lisa Marie Thalhammer will be on view through November 25.

Source: Monica Bowman, owner and director of The Butcher's Daughter
Writer: Jon Zemke
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