Multi-use apartment building proposed for Birmingham

More living options are coming to the center of the city of Birmingham. Bingham Farms-based Hughes Properties is proposing to build almost 100 apartments in an urban building at the northern edge of the city's Triangle District.

The site is the old Hamilton Funeral Home on the southeast corner of Maple Road and Elm Street. The developer wants to level the existing suburban-style structure and parking lot so it can construct an urban style apartment building on the 1.8 acres. The 4-story dwelling will be shaped like an L and feature 96 apartments, including some live-work units.

Hughes Properties originally proposed building the 100-condo The Regency at Elm on the site in 2007. That development, geared toward senior citizens, also included space for a restaurant, offices and other residential amenities. The for-sale condo project floundered with the housing market.

It's not known whether the new project will also be geared toward senior citizens. Attempts to reach Hughes Properties for comment on the new plans proved unsuccessful.

Source: City of Birmingham
Writer: Jon Zemke
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