Real estate firm looks to renovate Birmingham building

The former home of Century 21 in downtown Birmingham is about to become the new home of Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel, with some significant upgrades.

Two Coldwell Banker offices are consolidating in the mid-20th Century building at 294 E Brown St.
The proposed project calls for a renovation of the 20,000-square-foot, three-story structure. The adjacent parking lot will also be upgraded to improve traffic flow and add a few more spaces.

"We're going to add new finishes and details to to the exterior and interior that will make it a real-estate office of the 21st Century," says Victor Saroki, president of Birmingham-based Victor Saroki & Associates Architects.

The plans are going before the Birmingham Planning Commission. Saroki hopes to begin the project this summer and complete it by fall.

Source: Victor Saroki, president of Victor Saroki & Associates Architects
Writer: Jon Zemke
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