EMU alum's Web widget hits the big time

What the heck is a widget? Well, widgets do things, on the Internet, within Web pages. That's still vague, huh? OK, here's an example: You know when you go to Google and those ads pop up that reflect what you just searched? That's a widget working. It's a web application that can be personalized to do specific things. With that said, EMU alum Mo Kakwan gets a lot of looks with his Web widget that'll make you laugh.


If you haven’t heard George Washington recite the preamble to the constitution or a hamster speak French, you probably don’t know about Blabberize.com.

Don’t worry, word of mouth is helping turn the Internet oddity, created by Eastern Michigan University graduate Mo Kakwan, into one of the most talked about Web widgets around.

“I wanted to make a talking picture you could send as a postcard,” said Kakwan, 25, of Ann Arbor.

Read the entire article here.
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