Ann Arbor Spark receives financial spark from Superior Twp.

Ann Arbor Spark, a talent and business incubator for Southeast Michigan, just received a boost in funding from Superior Township. Spark had been looking for contributions to expand their offices from Ann Arbor into Ypsi. Looks like they got some.

Spark says it'll cost about $200,000 to open up, slated for September. They say they're about $60,000 away from reaching that goal.


The Superior Township Board of Trustees voted Monday to contribute $15,000 over three years toward a business incubator in eastern Washtenaw County.

Township Supervisor William McFarlane said the township approved $5,000 for the project this year. If it's successful, the township will contribute the rest of the money in the following two years. "We would want them to come to us and report on the project," McFarlane said.

Read the entire article here.
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