Here comes the green revolution and NY Times columnist Friedman is kicking it off

So you want a revolution - a green revolution? Then you're in luck. EMU is hosting an alternative energy, green business event that focuses on Michigan's roll in what could possibly be the globes future industry.


"Anyone who looks at the growth of middle classes around the world and their rising demands for natural resources, plus the dangers of climate change driven by our addiction to fossil fuels, can see that clean renewable energy -- wind, solar, nuclear and stuff we haven't yet invented -- is going to be the next great global industry,'' Friedman wrote in a recent column. "It has to be if we are going to grow in a stable way. Therefore, the country that most owns the clean power industry is going to most own the next great technology breakthrough -- the E.T. revolution, the energy technology revolution -- and create millions of jobs and thousands of new businesses, just like the IT revolution did."

Read the entire article here.
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