Stardock grows in Plymouth, plans to hire 12-18

Brad Wardell didn't think too long about naming his company Stardock. When someone asked what his software company's name was, the entrepreneur fresh out of college scrambled to find something, anything resembling cool.

He looked at what he was reading, "Magician" by Raymond E Feist, and then saw that he was on the Stardock chapter. That named seemed pretty cool for the moment, and it stuck.

Today it's the name of a 15-year-old Plymouth-based software and computer game firm that employs 60 people. It's revenues have jumped recently, going from $4 million to $7 million last year and $7 million to $13 million this year. Wardell expects it reach $18 million next year.

And then there's the firm's personnel growth. Stardock added about a dozen people last year and expects to hire another 12-18 people within the next year.

"We're pretty much always hiring people," Feist says.

Don't expect those hires to be made as hastily as the company's name. Feist carefuylly looks for the best and brightest while expecting those decisions to have the same good long-term effects.

Source: Brad Wardell, president and CEO of Stardock
Writer: Jon Zemke
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