Rochester Hills student streamlines Kettering University registration process

If necessity is the mother of invention than it must be the stepmother to future innovators, too.

A college student from Rochester Hills (Michael Reinhold) was tired of dealing with the same tiring registration process at his school, Kettering University, so he did something about it. The Computer Engineering senior created a program called Kettering Course Scheduler with open-source software that made the process much simpler.

The program helps students create a comprehensive variety of schedules of the classes they want to take and lets them choose the one that works best. The old way meant students had to punch different combinations into a website and hope for one to be accepted.

The scheduler program has made the system paperless, uses time more efficiently and lets departments in the Flint college quickly verify which courses are still available. Fellow Kettering students Phil DeMonaco, Ryan Murphy, and Alex Thompson also helped develop the program.

The program is written in Java, so virtually any computer or operating system can run the program. It’s also hosted on, the world's largest open source software development site.

Source: Kettering University
Writer: Jon Zemke
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