Couple funds scholarship at Oakland U business school

Jon and Gwyn Hartman aren't giving a headline grabbing donation to Oakland University, but rather are making what they can give go a long way.

The couple has endowed an Accounting and Finance Department Enrichment Fund that will provide a three-year, $5,000 scholarship to Oakland's School of Business Administration. The award is based on merit and service to the university and the community.

Jon, an Oakland University retiree and former Kmart finance executive, didn't like seeing statistics showing that for every $1 spent on education, another $1.25 is spent on corrections. So he and his wife decided to make a small but measurable impact on those statistics, and
on the accounting and financing department at Oakland University, with this endowment.

It's not a donation big enough to leave his name on a building, but it has enough impact that lots of future students will know who the Hartmans are.

Source: Oakland University
Writer: Jon Zemke
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