Ypsilanti's New Eagle plans to add 10 engineers

There is a lot of the word "new" associated with Ypsilanti's New Eagle. There is the new hybrid-car technology it's developing. The new clients it's attracting. There are also the new jobs it's creating.


A little more than a year ago, Rich and Mickey Swortzel started New Eagle. Today the Ypsilanti-based start-up cuts paychecks for 12, including independent contractors and interns. It hopes to hire another 10 engineers by summer.

New Eagle specializes in creating electronic control modules (think of the computer systems that help make your car run) for hybrids and the engineering services that support them. The Swortzels started New Eagle after the company they worked for (MotoTron) was acquired and moved many of its operations to Colorado.

"We wanted to start our own company," says Mickey Swortzel, business manager of New Eagle. "We wanted to enter this market."

Read the rest of the story here.
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