Networked, Inc. makes connections, looks for intern

It's little wonder that Terry Bean's passion is closely identified with his day job. The Bloomfield Township resident owns the Networked, Inc. business during the day and runs the Motor City Connect website at night.

"Motor City Connect is my gift," Bean says. "Networked is my business."

Networked, Inc. focuses on teaching business development and networking to people who are good at their craft but need to supplement their interpersonal skills. Bean, who is also looking for an intern, and his two employees help clients figure out how to optimize their business interactions with others, both in person and electronically.

"I would run sales appointments and found more opportunities for other people than myself," Bean says. "I thought I should make a business out of this."

In essence, he helps shorten the learning curve for breaking the ice. This includes helping people make more connections at cocktail hours and harnessing the power of social media. It's turned into a nice little cottage industry for Bean, who hopes to hire another person or two in the near future.

"I'm always interested in speaking to people who are good networkers," Bean says.

Source: Terry Bean, owner of Networked, Inc.
Writer: Jon Zemke
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