NanoBio, Advanced Photonix pile on more contracts

Two companies that keep hitting metromode's radar have struck again: NanoBio and Advanced Photonix. Both Ann Arbor-based companies have recently landed significant contracts.

NanoBio has been awarded $2.4 million from the State of Michigan 21st Century Jobs Fund, which will be used to develop a drug in the company's pipeline for treatment of fungal infections in finger- and toenails. The company is also working to develop tratments for cold sores and MRSA as well as vaccines for the flu and hepatitis B.

Read more about NanoBio here.

Advanced Photonix has made a $2.6 million 2-year deal with an un-named military contractor for missile guidance systems. The company recently moved to Michigan from California, adding 100 jobs to the area. Read more about the move here.

Source: NanoBio, Advanced Photonix, GLITR
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh

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