Birmingham's LocalBizNOW teams with Google to sell AdWords and create 50 jobs

LocalBizNOW is looking to create jobs today, tomorrow and for the rest of the year.

The Birmingham-based firm helps local business owners to market goods and services on the Internet. It began aggressively expanding throughout the U.S. after Quantum Ventures of Michigan took a one-third equity partnership with the company in January. LocalBizNOW, launched in 2006, expects to create 50 new jobs this year.

The company also became an authorized reseller of Google AdWords, the search engine's online advertising platform. AdWords uses the cost-per-click model, meaning businesses can select and bid on keywords related to what they are selling and pay only when an interested user clicks on their ad.

AdWords provides the lion's share of revenue for the highly profitable Google. Kelsey Group, A Princeton, NJ-based research company, predicts U.S. interactive classified advertising, now at $3.9 billion, will reach $9.1 billion by 2012 and U.S. interactive vertical advertising, now at $100 million, will reach $5.6 billion by the end of the same period.

As an authorized reseller of Google AdWords, LocalBizNOW is can help local businesses tap into the power and reach of the AdWords online advertising platform.

Source: LocalBizNOW
Writer: Jon Zemke

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