Downtown Birmingham's hiredMYway plans to add 10 positions

During Erinn O'Connor's 20-plus years as a recruiter, one comparison always sprung to mind - dating.

So it's no wonder that her own business, downtown Birmingham-based hiredMYway, uses a dating service model on the web to help people find jobs. It basically pairs employers and job seekers with matching needs and skills in the same way a dating service would.

"I have always approached recruiting as a dating service," O'Connor says. "I always joked I was going to create a website around that concept."

3-month-old firm is off to a great start so far, going from three employees to six employees, two interns, and a handful of independent contractors. It plans to launch its service on June 20 and hold its first career fair in July at the Rock Financial Showplace Center in Novi. More career fairs will follow later this year.

The company plans to establish its local presence for the rest of 2010, and then expand nationally. That could lead to another 10 new hires within the next year.

Source: Erinn O'Connor, owner of hiredMYway
Writer: Jon Zemke
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