High Bit Security focuses on sales presence to spur growth

High Bit Security's bread and butter is IT security, but the Rochester-based firm is making its product offerings heat up by focusing more of its attention on sales and marketing.

The 3-year-old firm specializes in IT Security Testing (Penetration Testing), Social Engineering, and obtaining and maintaining PCI-DSS or PA-DSS compliance. It has recently focused on its sales and marketing efforts, adding a full-time staffer to handle that part of the company.

"A good part of the last year was spent getting that part of the business online and working," says Adam Goslin, COO of High Bit Security.

The idea is to bolster the sales and create some internal efficiencies. That has led to a freshly relaunched website and a constant drum beat of press releases going out each month. That work has set the stage for the company to hit some significant growth goals this year.

"This coming year looks to be quite positive for High Bit Security," Goslin says. "That's because of the investment we have put into our sales presence."

Source: Adam Goslin, COO of High Bit Security
Writer: Jon Zemke

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