First Source Partners looks to add 18 jobs to the Ypsilanti area

First Source Partners is working to make a name for itself in southeast Michigan. The company started by two former Compuware executives is looking to grow and create more than a few new jobs this year.


For most students, math class alone is more than enough. But for Joe Dylewski, he needed something more ...than teaching it, that is.

"I got a little bored," Dylewski says.

But instead of starting a hobby, the math professor at Eastern Michigan and Madonna universities started First Source Partners with his friend Andy Trestrail last fall, bridging Ypsilanti and Bloomfield Hills respectively as their home base.

The two former Compuware executives decided they could put their human resource expertise to good business use by helping companies find IT workers. The company has been so successful in the short time it has been around that it expanded to six staff members with hopes to add another 18 people within the next year.

Read the rest of the story here.
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