Ensure Technologies to create 3-5 jobs as it expands in Ypsilanti

Ensure Technologies is in the black by keeping snoops in the dark.


One day a disgruntled employee hacked into his company's human resources computer, printed a spreadsheet of what everyone made and posted it for all to see. That inspired Tom Xydis to create Ensure Technolgies 11 years ago.

Today the Ypsilanti-based firm has survived the death of its founder (two years ago in a car accident) and managed to grow to a staff of 16 people, four contractors and the occasional intern. The company is capitalizing on protecting confidential and intellectual property and expects to create 3-5 new jobs in the next few years.

"We have a significant foothold in the healthcare industry and we have great growth prospects there," says Dennis Blanchette, President and CEO of Ensure Technologies.

Read the rest of the story here.
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