Ecology Coatings hopes to turn little things into big profits, jobs

Six billion is a big number and Ecology Coatings only wants a small portion of that ...for now.

The number is the dollar amount of the product coating market. The Bloomfield Hills-based firm thinks it has come up with a way to make the process much more efficient. So much so that it expects it break out this year, create some healthy profits and add anywhere between six and 12 jobs to the 10-person firm.

"We're right there at the corner of commercialization," says Marty Tullio, spokesperson for Ecology Coatings.

Most manufactured products are sealed with a coating that makes them more durable. This process often means the product must be put in an oven so the coating can be baked in, a process that requires lots of energy, space and produces chemical vapors.

Ecology Coatings has come up with a process that does the same thing but uses 80 percent less energy and space. Their coating process is spray on, put out to dry in the sun and is ready to go within three minutes. No muss, no fuss.

So far the company is licensing out its 200 different types of coatings but expects it to go big commercially this year. If that happens it could mean an impressive slice of that $6 billion pie.

Source: Marty Tullio, spokesperson for Ecology Coatings
Writer: Jon Zemke
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