D.Troit creates biz around investing in other start-ups

The two people behind D.Troit are taking an old idea and turning it into a method for funding new economy start-ups. Good news for Metro Detroit's entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The downtown Ferndale-based firm designs and sells unique, Detroit-themed t-shirts. The revenue generated is then invested in up-and-coming start-ups in southeast Michigan. Think everything from alternative energy-based companies to firms that do business only on the Internet.

"I did it out of my passion that I want to see Detroit change," says Brian Bandemer, president and founder of D.Troit. "The more I can invest in the city the more I can help it change."

Bandemer and Michael Savoni started the company in May as a side project for their day jobs. Savoni works in public relations while Bandemer, a graduate of Eastern Michigan University's Center for Entrepreneurship, works for the Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center. The pair hope to eventually develop 5-6 Detroit-themed t-shirt lines and spread into other cities. They can see business increasing to where the company could grow to 5-10 people within the next year or two.

Source: Brian Bandemer, president and co-founder of D.Troit
Writer: Jon Zemke
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