Custom Computer Resources plans to hire 1 now, 1-2 later next year

About a quarter of a century ago what is now Custom Computer Resources started as part of an accounting firm. Over the years it grew into its own business based out of Farmington Hills with five employees.

The company helps supply business applications to firms looking for more efficiency in things like human resources and accounting. This service has turned into a steadily growing business with an average of 10 percent revenue increases in recent years.

"When we work with client we do planning with them and help them implement solutions," says Dilip Bordia, president of Custom Computer Resources

That has led Custom Computer Resources to look for another employee (a project manager) now and perhaps more in the near future. The company is aiming for another year of 10 percent growth next year and even adding another 1-2 people if it lands a key contract in Lansing.

The firm services small- to medium-size businesses, along with government agencies. Some of the agencies focus on things like mass transit in municipalities in Michigan.

Source: Dilip Bordia, president of Custom Computer Resources
Writer: Jon Zemke
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