Remember when buying water was for Evian snobs? Remember filling up bottles from the drinking fountain and tap, or pumping water when you were camping? Well, nowadays, people stock up on 12-ounce water bottles by the case from Costco and, well, throw them away.
The Union of Concerned Scientists has reported that the average US citizen consumes 22 gallons of bottled water a year -- that's approximately 220 12-ounce bottles -- and that less than 10% of them are recycled. The creation of these bottles consumes 1.5 million barrels of oil, which they estimate is enough to run 100,000 cars for a whole year. And that does not take transportation into account.
Bottled water is not necessarily better or safer. A study in New York City demonstrated that 75 percent of people chose tap water over bottled in a blind taste test. Some bottled water is nothing more than tap water run through a filter, which you can do yourself at home, for much less money.
So turn on your tap. And buy some nalgene bottles -- keep a couple in your fridge and one in your car. If you do find yourself thirsty and on-the-go, I will grant you immunity to buy a bottle of water if you cross-your-heart promise to recycle it!
Oh, and if you are going camping, use the waterpump! Or at least, bring big plastic containers. Cooking with 12 ounce bottles of water is American absurdity at its finest.
Writer: Kelli B. Kavanaugh
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