Arts Beats & Eats turns social media into marketing gold

Arts Beats & Eats is taking its promotion and marketing to the next level, employing a number of viral media methods to ramp up interest in this year's festival in downtown Pontiac.

Organizers behind the Labor Day weekend event have been successfully drumming up interest through popular social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. They are recognizing that patrons get their information through a number of different avenues, ranging from traditional news sources to new Internet fads.

"This is in its infancy this year," says Jonathan Witz, producer of Arts Beats & Eats. "We grew our Facebook fan page from 200 to 2,000 in 10 days. We see a huge potential for this."
Part of that success is because Witz and his cohorts are offering juicy incentives through these social-media outlets. For instance, the first 2,500 fans of the Arts Beats & Eats Facebook page receive free parking (worth $8) and users of Twitter who retweet messages can earn VIP passes. It all amounts to a street team generating real interest in a virtual world.

Arts Beats & Eats is still working with traditional media sources, such as newspapers, TV and radio. However, Witz sees future promotions utilizing all avenues.

"We're still strongly tied to into traditional media but it's a future transition that is coming soon," he says.

Source: Jonathan Witz, producer of Arts Beats & Eats
Writer: Jon Zemke
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