123.net is adding to both its staff and its business capacity.
The Southfield-based Internet firm has hired three people in 2012, expanding its office to 25 employees. It has also added 11,500 square feet of data storage space to its infrastructure with plans to expand much more rapidly in 2013.
"We have experienced quite a bit of growth," says Dave Curran, channel sales manager of
123.net. "Over the last two years we have experienced 66 percent growth. We will probably add 5-10 new employees over the next year."
123.net added 8,000 square feet of data storage space to its Southfield operations and another 3,500 square feet to its Grand Rapids-based facility. It plans to add yet another 100,000 square feet of data storage space in Southfield in 2013 for a total investment of $15 million. The addition would take place at 20,000 square feet at a time.
"That would more than double our current capacity," Curran says.
Source: Dave Curran, channel sales manager of 123.net
Writer: Jon Zemke
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