Brownfield Conference attracts developers to Ypsilanti's Water Street project

It looks the like the recent Brownfield Conference could pay off big time for Ypsilanti. City officials are speaking to a number of developers interested in doing something with the Water Street site.


There is hope yet for Ypsilanti's Water Street property, the red-headed stepchild of local development.

City officials were banking that exposure at the Brownfields conference in Detroit earlier this spring would breath new life into the project. It appears the work may pay off in attracting interest in developing the largely vacant 38-acre parcel.

"The presentation at the conference has lead to a great increase in interest in the project," says Brian Vosburg, director of the Depot Town and Downtown development authorities in Ypsilanti. "We are currently talking to several developers who have serious interest in doing a project on the Water St. site."

Read the rest of the story here.

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