Ann Arbor SPARK chooses new home in downtown Ypsilanti

The old Mack & Mack building in downtown Ypsilanti is about to become the new home for Ann Arbor SPARK's east satellite office.


Take two! Ann Arbor SPARK's East Incubator is getting off to a fast start now that the start-up business incubator has chosen the Mack & Mack building in downtown Ypsilanti.

SPARK originally chose an old Smith Furniture store on Washington Street for its Ypsilanti satellite office earlier this summer, but that deal fell through. That led to the switch to the Mack & Mack, 211-215 W. Michigan Ave. next door to Bombadill's Cafe, and its 8,300 square feet of space.

"The location is ideal," says Elizabeth Parkinson, director of marketing and public relations for SPARK. "There is some parking and its space we think we can fill quickly with tenants."

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