Woodward Ave Action Assoc announces corridor awards

The Woodward Avenue Action Association is looking for a few good winners for its new Woodward Corridor and Woodward Design Awards.

The Woodward-advocate organization is accepting nominations for the awards through Feb. 20. The award include:

  • Best New Byway Asset, such as a new attraction, business, venue or event
  • Best Planning Vision, which recognizes the best a strategic plan or vision
  • Seeds of Change Community Action, which will spotlight people who overcome obstacles to bring change
  • Best Small Business, such as a business that is excelling in hard times
  • Best Transit Oriented Design for a project along Woodward
  • Best New Neighbor for a new building along the corridor
  • Best Historic Preservation, which recognizes preserving or restoring a building’s historic architecture
  • Woodward Treasure, which will recognize a historic building or environment
For information, call (248) 288-2004 or send an email to nicole@woodwardavenue.org.

Source: Woodward Avenue Action Association
Writer: Jon Zemke
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