New concert venue opens in downtown Ypsilanti

Downtown Ypsilanti is really asserting itself these days, and the opening of a new mid-sized concert venue called Savoy is only helping make that assertion.


A new mid-size live music venue is taking the stage this weekend in downtown Ypsilanti when Savoy opens its doors in the space that was once Club Divine.

The new two floor, two stage venue can accommodate up to 700 people in a space so large even the organizers behind the bar struggle to define its size. It joins The Ark, Michigan Theater, and the Blind Pig (all located in downtown Ann Arbor) for mid-size venues in Washtenaw County.

"It's really filling a void in Washtenaw County for a mid-market venue," says Don Scheneder, talent buyer for Savoy. He adds that Savoy is more in line with the Blind Pig, which can only seat 400 people. It will also have a smaller second floor stage that will host events such as comedy performances.

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