Oakland U exhibit explores foot traffic in urban areas

People who walk through cities experience them much more poignantly than those who simply drive through them. That idea is the thrust behind the Oakland University Art Gallery latest exhibit - CONTEMPORARY FLÂNERIE: Reconfiguring Cities.

The exhibit focuses on the perspectives of people who walk about cities and how they confront them. This pedestrian mode of transit is often the choice for tourists and potential residents of those areas. The exhibit utilizes photography, video and computer-based art mediums. It challenges those encounter it to consider how they view their urban experiences.

The exhibit opens the evening of March 7 and runs through April 12 in Oakland University's Rochester Hills campus. An opening reception will be held at 8 p.m. Saturday and a curator’s talk will take place at 2 p.m. the following day. The events and exhibit are free and open to the public.

Source: Oakland University
Writer: Jon Zemke
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