Yarn, wine and chocolate. Could be the making of an interesting evening. And all three of those things can now be had in downtown Mt. Clemens.
City Knits – a yarn, knitting and crocheting store – has opened in downtown Mt. Clemens' Cherry St. Mall building this month. This is the business' third store and its first outside of Detroit city proper.
"Although opening a third location was not in my plans, I recognized a great opportunity to provide continuity and fabulous yarns and tools to the dedicated community of knitters and crocheters in Macomb County," says Karen Kendrick-Hands, the owner of City Knits. "The walkable location in an urban setting, and support of the DDA clinched the deal for me."
Wine Sync opened at the end of November. The retail wine shop and tasting bar provides high-quality wines without the high prices. The store is located at the entrance to Cherry St. Mall directly off the red Roskopp Parking Lot.
Also, Mt. Clemens-based Champagne Chocolates has opened up a second location in downtown Birmingham. The chocolates will continue to be made in the Mt. Clemens store and shipped to the Birmingham location three times a week.
Source: Arthur Mullen, director of the Mt. Clemens Downtown Development Authority
Writer: Jon Zemke
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