Ferndale makes plans to build new court, renovate police station

Law enforcement in Ferndale is in line to get some fancy new digs.

City officials are making plans to build a new downtown home for a district court next to its police department, which is also slated for renovation. The timeline for this project calls for planning to be done this year and construction sometime next year.

"The project is in its early stages right now," says Robert Bruner, city manager of Ferndale.

The district court shares space with other city services. Both homes for the court and police department are cramped and outdated.

The city has put out a request for proposals to find an owners' representative, and plans to hire an architect and builder later this year. Designs, expected square footage, and costs will be determined later this year when the project is fleshed out.

Source: Robert Bruner, city manager of Ferndale
Writer: Jon Zemke
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