Birmingham moves forward with Triangle District Authority

Another authority is up and running in Birmingham. This time the City Commission has approved the bylaws and budget for a Corridor Improvement Authority for the city's Triangle District.

The authority would take tax revenue generated by improved land, such as a parking lot developed into a mixed-use building, and let developers use it to make public infrastructure improvements to their projects. Those improvements could include things like new streetscapes or parking structures.

The Triangle District consists of the area bounded by Woodward Avenue, Adams Road and Maple Road (just east of downtown). It is experiencing development pressure, prompting the City Commission to approve the Triangle District plan. The new master plan calls for developing surface parking lots and underutilized lots into dense, urban  structures that will create a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly and mixed-use district.

Source: Jana Ecker, planning director for the city of Birmingham
Writer: Jon Zemke
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