The Barclay Inn project in Birmingham is about to have its moment of truth.
Developers are asking the city for a variance in the plans. Namely they want to build a brick wall facing the street where Walgreens is supposed to be built. Local regulations call for glass. Walgreens will pull out of the development without the variance in effect, scuttling the project, according to Chris Enright, president of Birmingham-based Christopher Enright Architects - the firm that designed the plans for the new hotel.
However, city officials are not eager to grant the request, according to Jana Ecker, planning director for the city of Birmingham. The reason is that the project is supposed to go at the corner of the Maple Road and Woodward Avenue on the northwest tip of the city's Triangle District.
City planners have called for making this area a vibrant urban core area, similar to downtown on the other side of Woodward. To emphasize that, the ordinance calls for dense buildings and lots of windows at the street level to promote retail business and foot traffic.
The developers who want to rebuild the Barclay Inn have changed the plans before. Last time they shrunk the project from 8 stories to 5. However, they still plan to raze the old 1950s-era hotel and a couple of other nearby buildings to make room for the mid-rise.
The mixed-used building is supposed to feature a new Barclay Inn, a Walgreens and a bistro wrapped in a modern, contemporary exterior of glass, metal and stone. The first floor will feature room for the bistro, hotel and 14,800 square feet for Walgreens. Above that will be four floors with 119 hotel rooms.
The Triangle District is an area just east of downtown bordered by Woodward Avenue, Adams Road and Maple Road. The area, which is in the shape of a triangle, is experiencing development pressure.
Source: Jana Ecker, planning director for the city of Birmingham and Chris Enright, president of Christopher Enright Architects
Writer: Jon Zemke
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