Chalk up another win for green building now that AAA Michigan is gearing up to open its new environmentally friendly branch in Birmingham on Nov. 19.
The new structure is the city's first building to go for certification for LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It sports a number of green features, such as high-efficiency mechanical systems, low-wattage light fixtures and energy efficient windows. The building's exterior is also designed with sun shades to keep it cool in the summer and light shelves to bring in more natural light.
"It's making use of the growing technology that benefits the environment," says Jim Rink, a spokesman for AAA Michigan. "That's something that we're committed to and we're glad to see it come to fruition."
The two-story structure is being built at corner of Woodward Avenue and Forest Street in Birmingham's emerging Triangle District. The building feature's a distinctive 40-foot glass tower in the center of its front façade. The 9,100-square-foot full service branch will house 32 employees.
Source: Jim Rink, spokesman for AAA Michigan
Writer: Jon Zemke
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