
27 Authors | Page:

Blake Woodruff

Blake Woodruff is a feature writer based in Southeast Michigan. He believes the best way to impact is to inform.   

Sierra Okoniewski

Sierra Okoniewski is a freelance journalist with a passion for good food and intentional hospitality. She lives in Rochester, Michigan, and finds joy in eating her way around the mitten state.

Brianne Turczynski

Brianne Turczynski holds an MA in education from Oakland University with a concentration in History and English. Her work has been published in the poetry anthology, Sixty-Four Best Poets of 2018 (Black Mountain Press), The 3288 Review, Michigan Out-of-Doors Magazine, and others. Her book, Detroit's Lost Poletown: The Little Neighborhood that Touched a Nation was released with the History Press in 2021. Follow her at @booksandloststories.  

Timothy J. Seppala

Timothy J. Seppala has been covering the human side of business and technology as a freelance reporter since 2008. He calls Dearborn Heights home and would love to hear your story. Follow him at @timseppala

Terry Lakins

Terry Lakin is Metromode's intern and studies journalism at UM-Dearborn.

Kate Roff

Kate Roff is an award-winning freelance writer and journalism educator, currently based out of Detroit. She is the managing editor of Metromode and Model D. Contact her at

Elizabeth Clark

Elizabeth Clark is a Dearborn-based freelance writer.

Aaron Mondry

Aaron Mondry is the managing editor of Model D and a Detroit-based freelance writer. Visit his website and follow him on Twitter @AaronMondry.

Esther Gim

Esther Gim is an editor based in the Detroit area. You can reach her on Twitter at @gim_esther.
27 Articles | Page: