Social Justice

Feature Story Community Action House staff have office hours at Herrick District Library to better serve the public.

How a library and a church are tackling housing insecurity

Feature Story Sophomore MPS students Kaeden Smith (left) and Ja'Ziiyah Wyrick apply math concepts to build flower boxes in their Geometry in Construction class.
Feature Story Donna Bogle enjoys the little acts of kindness and small stores.

SHORE STORY: Small store, small acts, big impact

Feature Story Herrick District Library's main facility renovations include a new two-story playhouse in its children's department.

Herrick District Library plans renovation celebration

Feature Story Phyllis Neal found a way to give back in retirement through the AARP and Disability Network West Michigan.

AARP program helps seniors find purpose and make a difference

Feature Story The Holland Human Relations Commission honored  people and organizations creating an equitable and inclusive community with their 2024 Social Justice Awards.

Holland honors those creating an equitable and inclusive community

Feature Story More than 100 Bank of America employees volunteering at six local nonprofits, from Kids Food Basket to the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum.
Feature Story Todd Rockhill advocates for clients facing housing and substance use challenges at Allegan County's OnPoint.
Feature Story Community Action House will use a grant from the Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area to expand staffing and infrastructure for the Food Club & Opportunity Hub and respond to a growing demand for services.

$217K in grants fund programs across Holland and Zeeland

Feature Story Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity launched its home repair program in the city of Allegan.

Lakeshore Habitat home repair expands into Allegan

Feature Story Linda Pynnonen serves food at the Community Kitchen like she has for the past 30 years.
Feature Story A delighted client receives her Meals on Wheels Western Michigan delivery.
Feature Story small-zumba
Feature Story Among the help available at Community Action House are cooking classes.

CAH’s Food Club to launch a mobile version