Zeeland launches second annual Citizen's Academy

Drew DeMeester and his wife, Angela, have lived in Zeeland for 23 years — but how much did they really know about the city they had called home all that time?
Drew DeMeester
“My pride in my community increased significantly. Zeeland is a unique gem,” Drew DeMeester said after participating in the inaugural Zeeland Citizen’s Academy last year. “I kind of always knew it was a great place to raise kids, but I didn’t really think about ‘how does this come together?’”

The city of Zeeland is preparing for the second year of its Zeeland Citizen’s Academy. Applications will be accepted through Feb. 14.

The Zeeland Citizen’s Academy gives Zeelanders an opportunity to expand their knowledge of the structure and functions of their city government. Sessions offer an in-depth look at the fundamentals of the city’s administration, library, finance, IT, streets, parks, cemeteries and utilities, public safety, community development, downtown and marketing. Additional topics covered will include the basics of local government, elections, local history, and more. 

Courtesy city of ZeelandZeeland Citizen's Academy sessions offer an in-depth look at the fundamentals of the city’s administration, library, finance, IT, streets, parks, cemeteries and utilities, public safety, community development, downtown and marketing.

“We didn’t exactly know what to expect when we launched the program last year;” says Andy Boatright, Zeeland Board of Public Works general manager, “Turns out it exceeded all our expectations. We truly found this program to be mutually beneficial for our organization and the class participants. It was extremely energizing to nurture such a dedicated group of interested community members.” 

The purpose of Zeeland’s Citizen’s Academy is both to educate interested residents and to encourage new community leaders and volunteers.

Courtesy city of ZeelandThe inugural class of the Zeeland Citizen's Academy.

The Zeeland Citizen’s Academy is targeted at community leaders, current or potential future appointed/elected officials and curious residents with an interest in local affairs. Participants will increase their knowledge of city operations while demonstrating their commitment to the community, networking with fellow community members, engaging with city staff and becoming better equipped to help shape the future of the community. Participants must be 18 years or older and must meet one of the following criteria: resident of the city of Zeeland (preferred), utility customer of the Zeeland Board of Public Works, or work at an employer located within the city. 

Courtesy city of ZeelandThe Zeeland Fire Department was just one city function Zeeland Citizen's Academy participants experienced.
The academy will be 5:45-9 p.m. Wednesdays April 16, 23, 30, and May 7, 14, 21. Applicants will be notified by March 3 if they have been accepted into the program. The Zeeland Citizen’s Academy will have a maximum of 15 participants. 

Applications are available online. Community members may also visit City Hall, 21 S. Elm St., during business hours and request a paper application. 

For the DeMeesters, the Zeeland Citizen’s Academy was a chance to learn more about how the town they’ve invested so much of their lives in is actually run. 

“If it matters to you where you live or work, you should get engaged in this type of class, where you can actually experience the how and why and what makes it all tick,” Drew DeMeester says. “You have no soapbox to stand on if you don’t get involved.”

Read more articles by Andrea Goodell.

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