High School student launches bilingual tutoring program

It doesn’t really matter where you are from or what your story is, we have a place for you. I think that would be Greta Travers’ motto if she had to choose one. If you don’t know how to speak English, want to improve your English, or just want homework help, I’ve got the perfect place for you. Greta Trevor is a senior at Holland Christian High school. She is 17 years old and has a passion for helping others.

Last year after Covid, she saw lots of kids who didn’t have good online experiences and were struggling. She decided she wanted to help. After doing some research, she realized that you couldn’t find tutoring in Spanish, whereas finding tutoring in English was not hard to find. Since Greta has been in Spanish immersion for many years, she decided that that was the perfect opportunity for her. She took action right away.

First, she reached out to local schools, then proceeded to go to the north branch of
Herrick District Library. She was able to start her program there. She found some local
volunteers who were eager to help, along with her sister, who also is in Spanish immersion. In the library, she was able to make and post advertisements everywhere, advertising free tutoring for Spanish speakers. She advertised the program as a “place where anyone can come if they need help and to learn to the best of their abilities.” And it worked. In the beginning of February 2022 she launched her program.

Resuming this school year

She now has about five volunteers who work weekly tutoring around 20 kids, K-12. When I asked her how she has seen it help the community, she said, “I taught a 17-year-old who knew practically no English. She was able to get a job.” 

I thought that that was so cool, especially since her program has not been going on
for long. Greta has confirmed that the program is starting again this coming school year, so if you want to, you can join! It is every week on Mondays, from 3:30-5:30 p.m. Greta says that even if you don’t have specific questions, you can still come, and it is a great way to meet new people. 

To get tutoring, you can reserve a spot on the Herrick District Library website, or if you want to just show up you can, and they will help you. Also, if you want someone to look over work from school and check it for you, that is an option.

To sum it up, I would say that it is a great and creative way to learn, explore and meet
new people. Even though it is Greta’s last year here, she hopes that it will continue, and that her sister Amelia, who is a year younger than her, will help continue it. Greta hopes to find someone to keep the program alive who is just as enthusiastic and has as much passion to help others as she does.

Let me leave you on a great note that Greta told me: “If you have a dream to do something cool, don’t hesitate.”


Read more articles by Ava Devanney.

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