September Things To Do Along the Lakeshore: Truck parade, Civil War Muster, Fiesta and more

Now that summer is winding down, it’s time to focus on fall fun along the Lakeshore. Residents can easily find interesting and exciting September events. From parades to fireworks shows, art shows to sidewalk sales, and 5Ks to fairs, there are plenty of things to do this month in Allegan, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties. This list includes options for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or interest.  
Spectators watch the 2019 Civil War Muster at Van Raalte Farm. (Mary Bale)
Holland Zeeland Labor Day Truck Parade
Monday, Sept. 6; starts in Zeeland at 9:15 a.m. and ends in Holland
Watch the big rigs roll through Zeeland and on into downtown Holland during this annual event. After the parade, head to Holland Civic Center Place for a free ice cream social and the opportunity to see the trucks up close and talk to the drivers.

Douglas Labor Day Bridge Walk
Blue Star Bridge, Douglas
Monday, Sept. 6
Join what is possibly — at 0.19K — America’s shortest bridge walk. Line up at 9:15 a.m. on the south side of the Blue Star Bridge. The walk begins at 9:30 a.m. 

Fireworks Show
6423 Blue Star Highway, Saugatuck
Friday, Sept. 10, begins at dusk
What better way to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11, honor the first responders, and pay respects to victims than with fireworks. Thanks to the Saugatuck/Douglas Rotary Club for this special show.

The Holland Zeeland Labor Day Truck Parade returns on Sept. 6.
Van Raalte Farm Civil War Muster
Saturday-Sunday, Sept. 18-19
Van Raalte Farm
1076 E. 16th St., Holland
Relive the first Battle of Bull Run at Holland’s Civil War Muster and Heritage Days. This annual event takes place at historic Van Raalte Farm, the former home of Ben Van Raalte, a Civil War veteran. You’ll “see” President Abraham Lincoln, watch reenactors perform military drills and battle reenactments, and you can even attend a Civil War-era church service. This two-day event offers a fun learning experience for the whole family and also features period vendors.

The Grand Haven Hispanic Heritage Fiesta will be a weeklong celebration.

Grand Haven Hispanic Heritage Fiesta
Sept. 19-25
Join in the fun at this weeklong heritage celebration of Latin American cultures. The Fiesta kicks off Sept. 19 with a colorful Parade of Flags in Grand Haven’s Central Park and continues throughout the week with food, entertainment, and Latino festivities.

Other September events include:

Allegan County Fair
150 Allegan County Fair Drive, Allegan

Mt. Baldhead Challenge
Saturday, Sept.11
Mt Baldhead, 769 Park St., Saugatuck
Details on start times/courses at

Holland Haven Marathon
Full Marathon, Half-Marathon, or 8K
Sunday, Sept. 12
Grand Haven to Holland
See website for start times/locations for each run.

Berlin Fair
Friday-Sunday, Sept. 17-19
2008 Berlin Fair Drive, Marne

Tulip City Gem & Mineral Show
Friday-Sunday, Sept. 17-19
SoccerStop Sportsplex, 5 River Hills Drive, Holland

SeptemberFest Arts & Crafts Show
Saturday, Sept. 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 
Hudsonville Fairgrounds
5235 Park Ave, Hudsonville

Family FunFest
Sept. 25, noon to 6
Nelis’ Dutch Village & Holland Town Center, James Street at U.S. 31

Need suggestions for specific destinations or activities, check out these tourism resources for details:
Holland Area Visitors Bureau
Grand Haven CVB
Ottawa County Parks & Recreation
Saugatuck CVB
Allegan County Parks & Recreation

Read more articles by Sally Laukitis.

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