Things to do in April: Hunt for eggs, shop for a bargain, or learn about frogs and birds

Editor’s note: This is a monthly feature to highlight what Allegan, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties have to offer residents and visitors alike.

Spring has sprung and Easter is just around the corner. Those hankering for the childlike delight of an egg hunt are in luck — our list includes two. Among the many other public events scheduled this month in Allegan, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties, you can check out artisan marketplaces, get bird-watching tips, learn a frog call, attend a spring fling, or visit a museum for free. This list includes options for everyone, regardless of age, ability, or interest.

Spring Lake is hosting a community-wide Easter egg hunt.
The Great Village Egg Hunt
Spring Lake Village
9 p.m. April 1 through 8:59 p.m. April 4 (or until the last egg is found)
Looking for something fun and different to do? Then head to Spring Lake for an amazing egg hunt. Hundreds of eggs will be hidden throughout the village, and everyone is invited to come out and look for them. All of the eggs will be filled with candy and, better yet, almost all of them will have a prize that has been donated by a local village business. Prizes range from $5 gift cards to a bike and an overnight stay at a local bed & breakfast. For more details, visit the event's Facebook page.  

Egg-cellent Egg Hunt
Fellinlove Farm, 6364 144th Ave., Holland
Saturday, April 3, 1-3 p.m.
$5 per person suggested
For an afternoon of spring fun, check out the Eggs-travaganza Scavenger Hunt, featuring bunny pony rides, Hoppin’ Down the Bunny Trail, bunny boat rides, and a bunny hop around the big pond at Fellinlove Farm, home to more than 130 animals.
For details, visit

Woodcocks can be spotted at Hemlock Crossings park. (Ken Cook)

Woodcock Walk
Hemlock Crossing
8115 West Olive Road, West Olive
Saturday, April 3, 7:30-9 p.m.
$5 per person
If you have never seen a woodcock up close and personal, you can learn more about these fascinating, fun-loving birds during a short presentation, and then watch the sunset to their twittering. These round, short-legged birds hide in forest thickets during the day. But at night, the males perform a “sky dance” with chippering, twittering, bubbling sounds.
Registration required; ages 12 and older
For details, visit the Facebook event page.

For 30 years, the Critter Barn has offered immersive, hands-on experiences with animals.

Spring Fling at the Critter Barn
Critter Barn
9275 Adams St., Zeeland
Through April 10, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
$20 (family ticket); $5 (individual tickets for children 3 and older)
Welcome spring by meeting all the new “babies” at this educational hobby farm — bunnies, lambs, ducklings, chicks, calves, and kids. Make your reservations online at

Macatawa MarketPlace is open the second Saturday of every month. (Dusty Rose Photography)
Macatawa MarketPlace
Holland Town Center, 12330 James St., Holland
Saturday, April 10, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Back for its second year, the Macatawa MarketPlace kicks off the season with a great mix of vendors, food trucks, and even some street performers. This eclectic market is fun for all ages and is pet-friendly, so bring Fido along for the fun. Don’t worry if you can’t make it on the 10th. Be sure to mark your calendar as the MarketPlace is open the second Saturday of every month. Find details at

The Holland Museum

Free Museum Visit
Holland Museum, 31 W. 10th St.
Monday, April 12, 4-7 p.m. 
The Holland Museum is open the second Monday of every month with free admission for all visitors. Spark!Lab is temporarily closed, but visitors can see the current exhibits, Restored World's Fair Klok and Mathias Alten: Beyond the Oil Paintings. View the Events Calendar for more free second Monday dates.

This photo of a Snowy Owl was taken by local photographer Susie Hughes.
Bird-Watching in Muskegon County
Lakeshore Museum Center, 430 W. Clay Ave., Muskegon
Thursday, April 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Local birder and wildlife photographer Charles DeWitt will share his expertise on the best spots to birdwatch in Muskegon County, as well as the times to watch as birds migrate. He will also share tips on photographing our winged friends. Find details and register at

Allendale Outdoor Artisan & Craft Marketplace
6561 Lake Michigan Drive, Allendale (Life Stream Church east parking lot)
Saturday, April 17, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Shop ’til you drop outdoors! More than 30 vendors will showcase their artisan merchandise. You can even grab a bite to eat while you’re there. Find out more at

Who Likes Frogs and Toads — For Kids 
Hemlock Crossing
8115 West Olive Road, West Olive
Sunday, April 25, 3-4:30 p.m.
Learn how frogs and toads wake up from their winter naps, and what they like to do now that spring is here. You’ll also learn a few frog calls at this kid-oriented outdoor program, geared for kids ages 5-12 (must be accompanied by an adult). Learn more about this Wildlife Encounter at

A watercolor, titled A Foggy Day, by Mathias Alten is part of the Holland Museum exhibit.

Matias Alten Exhibit
Holland Museum, 31 W. 10th St.
Thursday, April 29, 7-8 p.m. 
Free; donations appreciated
Inside the Artist’s Mind: Mathias Alten’s Drawings with Michigan artist and teacher Royce Deans. Focusing on Mathias Alten’s drawings in the current exhibition, Mathias Alten: Beyond the Oil Paintings, as well as his own works, Michigan artist and teacher Royce Deans will discuss the importance of drawing and sketching to the artistic process and what those drawings reveal about the artist. This virtual program is adult and child-friendly. Registration is required for this program on Eventbrite. 

Read more articles by Sally Laukitis.

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