Paul R. Kopenkoskey

Paul R. Kopenkoskey’s career as a freelance writer spans more than 30 years. The Calvin University grad has written for many West Michigan publications and he has sat in the editor’s chair for three monthly magazines. His first historical fiction novel, Karl Beguiled: A Journey of Hope and Sacrifice, is available on He’ll devour a Snug Burger at Snug Harbor restaurant in Grand Haven any time of the day. He can be reached at

Feature Story Volunteers lend a hand at LHFH’s Critical Home Repair Program.

Critical Home Repair program expands to Allegan County

Feature Story A report on the 2023 Allegan County Community Health Survey outlines residents’ health and personal needs.
Feature Story Operation United is an annual event that mobilizes volunteers to recognize the sacrifices and service of veterans and active military families, with a focus on seniors and those with disabilities in Kent County.

3-county United Way merger strengthens regional collaboration

Feature Story A passenger boards an Allegan County Transportation bus.
Feature Story Two GRIT wheelchair users pose at a local park.

All-terrain wheelchair loan program opens outdoors to more users

Feature Story Kelli Cavasin, vice president of people and culture for New Holland Brewing

How leadership training helps employers with staffing shortages

Feature Story Allegan County Commisison Chairman Jim Storey, Broadband Project Manager Jill Dunham and Allegan County Administrator. Robert “Rob” Sarro,
Feature Story Charles “Charlie” Elwood and Chris Martin using version 2.0 of Martin’s voice for the first time at Carpe Latte Coffee Shop.

AI app gives voice to those who’ve lost theirs

Feature Story The Allegan County Board of Commissioners unanimously voted in favor of converting the county building for sole use as a courthouse to accommodate an additional circuit court judge.

Strategic plan maps out Allegan County’s priorities

Feature Story “Old Heart” co-stars Melanie Lamrock as Sarah van Praag and Jakari Carson as Lt. Tom Johnson

Filmmaker turns Norton Shores author’s novel into MCC play

Feature Story Broadband access for around 12,000 rural residents in Allegan County is one step closer to reality, thanks to a public-private partnership and federal funds.

Allegan County works to extend broadband access to rural residents

Feature Story Veteran Michael Jackson

Many veterans struggle with homelessness; these programs are helping

Feature Story Tom Sikkema is responsible for promoting Go MUVE’s tagging feature, which enables users to identify levels of accessibility within their community.