Michigan's mix of public and private investments in venture capital is garnering not only a jump in the VC stats (in one year it moved from 25th to 15th in national VC investment rankings), but also attention around the country.
"In many ways, Michigan looks a lot like Wisconsin. It shares hundreds of miles of the same Great Lakes shoreline, and usually votes "blue" in presidential elections and "red" when it chooses governors and its state legislature. It also boasts major research universities that rank among the nation's best.
Unlike Wisconsin, however, Michigan began investing in its emerging economy years ago — even as the state’s automobile manufacturing base was teetering on the edge of collapse.
The success story of how Michigan has surged onto the national radar when it comes to venture capital investment in tech-based, "knowledge economy" companies should be instructive to Wisconsin policymakers as they prepare to vote on creating a state-leveraged fund."
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