Though it may be as much as a decade or more away. talk of train service between Ann Arbor and Traverse City has really struck a chord. This Q&A with Jim Bruckbauer of Michigan Land Use Institute gives hope that Michigan may finally learn to embrace rail travel.
"The tracks between Traverse City and Ann Arbor run through some of Michigan’s greatest downtown’s like Cadillac, Mt. Pleasant, Alma, Durand and Owosso.
A 2009 Grand Valley State University study showed that Michigan towns with rail service—even just once-a-day service—had anywhere from a $7 million to $45 million boost to their local economies because of that service.
Rail would allow the residents and college students in these towns to have another option for traveling to other wonderful Michigan cities and, because it intersects with two Amtrak lines, they’ll have access to major metropolitan areas around the country."
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