7 things to do in Washtenaw County before summer ends

It’s easy to feel like the season is slipping away, but there are still plenty of ways to get the most out of your summer in Washtenaw County.
With the Ann Arbor Summer Festival and Ann Arbor Art Fairs already come and gone, it’s easy to feel like summer is slipping away. But there are still plenty of ways to get the most out of your summer in Washtenaw County! Here are seven things to do in our community before the season ends. 
1. Cool down or glow up at Rolling Hills in Ypsilanti
Rolling Hills Water Park is a great way to cool down and have a blast in the summer heat, but did you know that Rolling Hills County Park also offers hiking, fishing, and a full disc golf course? This summer the park is also offering "glow nights" where you can play disc golf in the dark on a course illuminated with colorful glowing lights!
2. Walk, bike, or rollerblade along the county’s B2B Trail
 The B2B trail in Dexter.
The Border to Border Trail features eight trail corridors that connect to cities, parks, and destinations throughout Washtenaw County. With thirty-five miles of fully ADA-compliant trail completed (and even more to come), the trail is a great way for everyone to get outdoors and explore the county. Do you know where the closest segment of trail is to your home – or is there a new stretch you'd like to explore elsewhere in the county? Now's the time, before leaves (and, more importantly, snowflakes) start to fall.
3. Attend a festival or music series
Petals Sandcastle at the Say Yes Fest opening at CultureVerse. 
Although several prominent summer events have already wrapped up, many local festivals and weekly music events are still going on in August and September. In Ypsilanti, check out the John E. Lawrence Summer Jazz Concert Series at Ford Lake Park for renowned local and national jazz performers every week. In Ann Arbor, the inaugural Say Yes Fest mixes art with activism for a variety of events that will nourish your creative side and empower you to make a difference. And the A2 Summer Streets series brings a wide variety of live music to the heart of downtown Ann Arbor. Meanwhile, Saline’s Salty Summer Sounds series brings live music and dancing to Main Street every Thursday evening.
4. Investigate clues for the AADL Summer Game
 Clues for the AADL Summer Game at the downtown branch.
You may have already spotted a secret code hidden around town for the Ann Arbor District Library’s Summer Game. It’s not just for kids — anyone can sign up for this city-wide scavenger-hunt-style event. Earn points and win prizes by finding clues in person, online, and in the library’s catalog. 
5. Wine and dine in York’s outdoor courtyard
 York's outdoor courtyard.
Ricewood BBQ, the Bao Boys food truck, and a bar and cafe can all be found on-site at York, 1928 Packard St. in Ann Arbor. The variety of food and drinks offer a perfect solution when your group can’t decide on one place, and York’s shaded outdoor courtyard also offers several visually impressive murals and sculptures from local artists.
6. Browse local produce and goods at a market or stand
 The Dixboro Farmers Market.
Did you know that Washtenaw County has over 15 farmers markets and farm stands? Stop by a weekly farmers market this summer for locally grown fruits and veggies, allergy-inoculating local honey, and handmade goods from all over southeastern Michigan. Or head to an on-site farm stand like the one at White Lotus Farms at 7217 W. Liberty in Scio Township!
7. Beat the heat with a cone of local ice cream
Go! Ice Cream.
Washtenaw County is home to many fabulous frozen dessert shops, but we particularly love Ypsi’s Go! Ice Cream and Ann Arbor’s Blank Slate Creamery, which both make their own delicious ice cream with fresh ingredients. With so many unique and delicious flavors at both locations, it’s hard to go wrong! Elevate your palate with Blank Slate’s Basil Peach Swirl flavor or indulge your sweet tooth with Go!’s decadent new Bruleed Banana.

Sabine Bickford Brown is a freelance writer and editor based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She can be reached at sabinebickfordbrown@gmail.com.

All photos by
Doug Coombe.
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