50 years, 50 Stories: Story #3 Peter Dobson Fund

Peter Dobson cared so deeply about environmental issues that he made sure his will included a gift to the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation to help protect and enhance the local ecosystem. Peter learned about AAACF through his parents Bill and Molly Dobson. Though he died at the age of 21 in an automobile accident, Peter's passion for the environment lives on through AAACF's first endowment for the environment.
Since 1972, the Peter Dobson Fund has awarded more than $226,000 in grants to help organizations such as the Huron River Watershed Council, Legacy Land Conservancy, and the Leslie Science & Nature Center preserve and enhance the local environment. The Fund's initial grant to the Ecology Center helped set up the first drop-off recycling station in Ann Arbor.

"One of the few comforts following Peter's devastating death was the knowledge that, because of the terms of his will, his money would go directly to AAACF for ecology purposes," says Molly Dobson. "Peter's thoughtful gift has brought unending comfort to our family, and environmentally, to the City he loved."

One of the many ways the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation supports all that is good in our community.
Read more "good" stories at: aaacf.orgtory
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