Lansing is a popular destination for families in Saginaw, Mich., who say once they receive their rebates, they will move to the Capital City because it has better job opportunities.
According to excerpts from the article:
Jamie R. Williams and her kids are ditching Saginaw and moving to Lansing to find a job when they receive their $1,100 tax refund.
Williams is one of 3,000-plus residents expected to take advantage of free tax preparation services offered by the United Way of Saginaw County to low-income, elderly, handicapped and non-English speaking residents.
The group prepared tax returns for 25 residents at Hoyt Library in Saginaw on Friday and a session is scheduled for Butman-Fish Library today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
"There are more and better jobs there (in Lansing)," said the 25-year-old single mother of three who lives in Buena Vista Township.
Read the entire article here.
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