East Lansing Goes LEED Silver with City Center II, Strives for More

The City of East Lansing is continuing to make the city greener by striving for a silver Leadership in Energy and Environment (LEED) certification for its City Center II building.

According to excerpts from the article:

LEED certification is a nationally accepted program that rates the level of green buildings. There are varying levels of certification, from basic to platinum, which is the most environmentally friendly.

The proposed 10-story building in the City Center II project on the corner of Grand River Avenue and Abbot Road will have a silver certification.

“A lot of communities committed to silver because it’s not the lowest level, but it’s still very reachable,” said Tim Schmitt, a community development analyst for East Lansing.

“If we get good at it, maybe that standard (would get) higher.”

Read the entire article here.

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