More people are getting on the bus, opting to take the Michigan Flyer to the Detroit Airport rather than driving their cars.
According to excerpts from the article:
As Michigan Flyer enters its third year in business, a healthy number of people seem to be choosing it over flying from Lansing. Ody Norkin, the Flyer’s president, claims that on some days in December and January, his service shuttled more people to Detroit than flew there out of Lansing.
On Dec. 13, for example—which was a Saturday, a day that airlines typically cut flights — Norkin claims that the Flyer carried between 500 and 600 travelers to and from the Detroit Metro Airport; the Lansing airport on those days has a total flight capacity of 454—and that’s if all planes are 100 percent full. In the month of December alone, Norkin claims, the Flyer carried 10,500 travelers.
“On Saturday, Jan. 10, we didn’t have enough capacity,” Norkin said. “We had standbys. We could have accommodated even more.”
Read the entire article here.
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